Checklist: What does an authentic brand do?

First off, let’s take one step back.
What is a brand?

A brand, to put it simply, is the perception people have about your business. It’s based on feelings and impressions.

It’s way more than a snazzy logo, pretty colors, and coordinating fonts.
(That’s your brand identity.)

What does an Authentic Brand Do?

An Authentic Brand creates a perception and a feeling.

Human brains form first impressions almost instantly. It’s how we are wired. Take control of that power and use it to your advantage.

An Authentic Brand makes you relatable, credible, and trustworthy to your ideal customers.

This is because your brand tells your story and shows your personality. It personifies your company as a person or family.

An Authentic Brand creates status.

Our decisions are based on wanting a certain status in life. And we judge what is expensive, ridiculous, acceptable, or junk based on our own status or desired status.

An Authentic Brand makes your marketing consistent.

Did you know it takes 5 to 7 impressions for people to remember a brand? Now imagine if all your marketing looked different. Different colors, different fonts, different tones of voice. How would someone remember you?

An Authentic Brand creates the tone and language of how you communicate.

It will craft how you speak to your customers in your marketing, advertising, and face-to-face or verbal interactions.

A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.

- Seth Godin

An Authentic Brand makes you money!

If you are memorable and create customer loyalty. You’ll have repeat customers. They will tell others about you. And you’ll be recognizable.

An Authentic Brand attracts your ideal customers.

How much more money could you make if you worked with only your ideal customers?

How much better would going to work be if you served people that loved your services and products?

How much more joy would you have if interacted with what you really liked every day?

An Authentic Brand repels your worst customers.

How much time could you save if you didn’t have those customers that waste all your time but spend next to no money?

An Authentic Brand creates a bridge between customers and your products or services.

Even before someone contacts you or makes an order, someone knows the values your business holds. Branding is your chance to build rapport.

How does your current brand stack up to this list?

A well-thought-out brand should do all of this for you. If it’s not, drop us an email! Or book a 20-minute introductory session. We’ll strategize on how to improve your brand or create the brand your business deserves!


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